Camp NaNo Mad Lib Pep Talk

I logged into the Camp NaNo site to update my word count total and saw I had a message from the people that run the site. It was a mad lib/pep talk and I love those so I did it. I really like it so here's mine. 😀   Once, there lived a writer, known... Continue Reading →

DIY Paracord Belt

This project was really exciting for me! I really like the idea of keeping paracord around in case of an emergency and there is a lot of things people make with it! I've seen it used a ton as bracelets, keychains, replacing shoelaces, watches, bottle holders, knife holsters, and so much more. It is super... Continue Reading →

DIY Body Scrub

I know there are tons of DIY scrubs out there, but I wanted to share mine. I've been wanting to get a jar of coconut oil for awhile but I always forgot about it when I was at the store. Finally got some last week. I started using it on the dark circles under my... Continue Reading →

Teriyaki Steak Stiry Fry with Basmati Rice

Yum! This was Hubby's creation. There are barely any leftovers. It's simple and fairly quick. Ingredients: Steak One packet of Kikkoman teriyaki sauce mix Onion Water Veggies (Peppers, broccoli) Uncle Ben’s Ready-made brown Basmati rice   Cut your thawed steak into small pieces (like toddler sized). While it’s cooking in the pan pour your packet... Continue Reading →

Bubble Pizza

We love pizza and it's fun to make it yourself. Even though this pizza ends up costing about the same as just getting one from somewhere, it's still tasty! Bubble Pizza 1 can crescent rolls 1 package shredded cheese (Pizza) 1 small can pizza sauce Toppings of your choosing In either a 9x9 or 13x9... Continue Reading →

SaGa’s Monster Cookies

This is probably my favorite cookie recipe. It's really versatile and tastes delicious. Ingredients: 1 stick of butter 1C packed brown sugar 1C white sugar 1tbs vegetable oil 1tsp vanilla extract 2tsp baking soda 1 3/4 C flour 3 eggs 1 C peanut butter 1-2 C quick oats 1-2 c morsels of your choice Preheat... Continue Reading →

Camp NaNoWriMo

I have several online friends that join in National Novel Writing Month every November (Or NaNoWriMo) and I was invited by a fun facebook group to join Camp NaNoWriMo for July.  I've managed almost 6,000 words since July 1st between my two current writing projects. :DLast night was a creative night and I got a... Continue Reading →

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